# About Niver Niver is an installation of the [ServNest](https://servnest.niv.re/) program running at . ## Getting your account approved To prevent spam, you need to [contact me](https://miraty.antopie.org/en/contact.html) to get an approval key for your account and thus be able to fully use every feature. ## Infrastructure Niver is installed and administered by [Miraty](https://miraty.antopie.org/en/), the main ServNest developer. Niver servers are hosted in France, at Miraty's acquaintances' homes. Internet accesses are provided by the big commercial French ISP "Free". The `niv.re` registry's domain is itself registered under `re`, a TLD for [RĂ©union](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R%C3%A9union) (an overseas French region) managed by [AFNIC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_fran%C3%A7aise_pour_le_nommage_Internet_en_coop%C3%A9ration), through the registrar [Gandi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gandi). ## Stability This ServNest installation is meant to be long-term maintained. However, note that at this step of the project: * there are no tested backups yet * downtimes are more likely ## Moderation rules To be defined. ## Privacy policy * Only errors, forms submissions and SFTP sessions are logged, for technical purposes. Logs will not be communicated to anyone. They are not meant to be long-term archived. * Usernames are stored on the server with similar security as passwords (Argon2id), but they can appear in clear in SFTP logs. * Usage of Tor or other privacy tools is supported and encouraged. * There is no rate-limiting on passwords attempts, make sure to use a strong password. ## News Important outages and policy changes will be announced on [the site section for news](news/) ([feed](news/feed)). In case of major outage, the Fediverse account [`@Antopie@mamot.fr`](https://mamot.fr/@Antopie) ([feed](https://mamot.fr/@Antopie.rss)) may be used as last resort. ## Why the `niv.re` domain and the Niver name? They are alterations of the word *universe* (or univers in French). ## Demo This site is installed using each Niver services: * The domain `about.niv.re` is registered under the `niv.re` registry. * The domain is hosted on Niver's nameservers. * The site is hosted by the HTTP service and is available both as and . [The current page](/) is served [in English](index.en) or [in French](index.fr) according to the browser configuration, thanks to [this `.htacces` configuration](.htaccess). This site was generated from [Markdown sources](https://code.antopie.org/Antopie/about-niver/) using the basic static sites generator [*mkht.php*](https://code.antopie.org/miraty/mkht.php/). ## Contact ServNest is new software, its features are not yet very user-friendly nor necessarily bug-free. You can join the Matrix room [`#servnest:matrix.antopie.org`](matrix:r/servnest:matrix.antopie.org) or [contact me directly](https://miraty.niv.re/contact). *[TLD]: Top Level Domain *[ISP]: Internet Service Provider