add bf functions, import statement and stdlib (and remove some opcodes). Also fix some bugs in op

This commit is contained in:
miggazElquez 2019-09-23 17:00:03 +02:00
parent 287a2a066a
commit 8bd8e3b458
6 changed files with 251 additions and 81 deletions

View File

@ -69,10 +69,6 @@ def interpret(prog):
return ar
def format(prog,debug_mode=True):
if debug_mode:
return ''.join(i for i in prog if i in '[]<>+-.,#')
return ''.join(i for i in prog if i in '[]<>+-.,')
def repl():

View File

@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
program = statement, {statement}
block = "{",{statement}, "}"
statement = short_statement | while_block | if_block | function_def
short_statement = print | return | input | declaration | assignement | expression | inc-dec, ";"
statement = short_statement | while_block | if_block | function_def | function_bf
short_statement = print | return | input | declaration | assignement | expression | inc-dec | import, ";"
assignement = name, assignement_symbol, expression
declaration = "var" , name , {",",name}
return = "return", expression
import = "import", string
expression = compar_op | function_call
@ -14,9 +15,9 @@ function_call = name, '(',[expression,{','expression,}]
compar = calcul, [compar_op, calcul]
calcul = terme, [('+'|'-'), terme]
terme = factor [("*"|"/"), factor]
factor = val ["**", val]
calcul = terme, {('+'|'-'), terme}
terme = factor {("*"|"/"), factor}
factor = val {"**", val}
val = name | number | "(", expression, ")"
inc-dec = name, ("++" | "--")
@ -24,6 +25,9 @@ condition = '(', expression, ')'
while_block = "while", condition, block
if_block = "if", condition, block, ["else", block]
function_def = "def", name, '(',[name,{',',name}],')',block
function_bf = 'bf',name, '{', brainfuck_code, '}'
brainfuck_code = {'<'|'>'|'+'|'-'|'.'|','|'['|']'}

View File

@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ COMPAR :
{add the last part}
Situation à la fin:
0 b 0 k
@ -18,16 +21,16 @@ DIFFERENT :
@ -46,12 +49,31 @@ DIV :

33 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
The comment after the bf function is the number of arguments
bf putc {{ //1
bf scanc {{ //0
bf debug {{ //0
def print_int(n){
var i, val;
i = 1;
while (i <= n){
i *= 10;
i /= 10;
while (i >= 1){
val = n / i;
n %= i;
putc(val + 48);
i /= 10;
return n;

48 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
from collections import ChainMap
import to_bf_compiler as compiler
BUILT_IN_FUNCTIONS['putc'] = [('PUTC',)]
BUILT_IN_FUNCTIONS['debug'] = [('DEBUG',)]
func_to_compile = []
def print_int(n){
var i, val;
i = 1;
while (i <= n){
i *= 10;
i /= 10;
while (i >= 1){
val = n / i;
n %= i;
putc(val + 48);
i /= 10;
return n;
def compile_func(name,func):
ast = compiler.compile(func,2)
ir = compiler.Ast_to_IR(ast,BUILT_IN_FUNCTIONS) #on peut utiliser toutes les fonctions définis avant
return ir.functions[name]
for name, func in func_to_compile:
BUILT_IN_FUNCTIONS[name] = compile_func(name,func)

View File

@ -9,18 +9,19 @@ os.system('color')
REGEXS = [(re.compile(i),j) for i,j in (
@ -47,6 +48,34 @@ def lex(program,keep_whitespace=False):
def clean_tokens(tokens):
return [token for token in tokens if token.tag not in USELESS_TAGS]
def format_bf(prog,debug_mode=True):
if debug_mode:
t = []
index = 0
while index < len(prog):
if prog[index] in '[]<>+-.,':
index += 1
elif prog[index] == '#':
index += 1
if prog[index] == '(':
index += 1
while prog[index] != ')':
except IndexError:
return ''.join(t)
return ''.join(i for i in prog if i in '[]<>+-.,')
@ -57,12 +86,14 @@ BlockNode = namedtuple('BlockNode',('list_of_statement'))
IfNode = namedtuple('IfNode',('condition','block','else_block'))
WhileNode = namedtuple('WhileNode',('condition','block'))
FunctionDefNode = namedtuple('FunctionDefNode',('name','args','block'))
BfDefNode = namedtuple('BfDefNode',('name','code'))
AssignementNode = namedtuple('AssignementNode',('target','operator','expression'))
IncDecNode = namedtuple('IncDecNode',('name','operator'))
DeclarationNode = namedtuple('DeclarationNode',('names'))
FunctionCallNode = namedtuple('FunctionCallNode',('name','args'))
ReturnNode = namedtuple('ReturnNode',('expr'))
ImportNode = namedtuple('ImportNode',('path',))
BinOpNode = namedtuple('BinOpNode',('left','op','right'))
IdentifierNode = namedtuple('IdentifierNode',('name'))
@ -105,6 +136,9 @@ class Parser:
nodes = []
while 1:
statement = self.statement()
if isinstance(statement,ImportNode):
ast = get_ast(statement.path)
if statement:
@ -131,18 +165,15 @@ class Parser:
return BlockNode(nodes)
def statement(self):
#print(f"enter statement ({self.pos})")
for func in (self.short_statement,self.while_block, self.if_block,self.function_block):
for func in (self.short_statement,self.while_block, self.if_block,self.function_block, self.bf_block):
node = func()
if node:
return node
#cprint("no statement",'red')
return None
def short_statement(self):
#print(f"enter short_statement ({self.pos})")
for func in (self.declaration, self.assignement,self.inc_dec,self.expression,self.return_):
for func in (self.declaration, self.assignement,self.inc_dec,self.expression,self.return_,self.import_):
node = func()
if node:
if self.accept_text(";"):
@ -153,6 +184,14 @@ class Parser:
#cprint("no short_statement",'red')
return None
def import_(self):
if not self.accept_text('import'):
return None
path = self.accept_tag('STRING')
if not path:
raise SyntaxError('Bad import')
return ImportNode(path.text[1:-1])
def return_(self):
if not self.accept_text('return'):
return None
@ -260,6 +299,7 @@ class Parser:
if not terme1:
return None
while 1:
op = None
sym = self.accept_text('+')
if sym:
@ -267,12 +307,14 @@ class Parser:
sym = self.accept_text('-')
if sym:
op = sym
if not op:
return terme1
if op:
terme2 = self.terme()
if not terme2:
raise SyntaxError("missing second term in calcul")
return BinOpNode(terme1,op.text,terme2)
terme1 = BinOpNode(terme1,op.text,terme2)
return terme1
@ -282,11 +324,15 @@ class Parser:
if not factor1:
return None
while 1:
op = None
sym = self.accept_text('*')
if sym:
op = sym
sym = self.accept_text('/')
if sym:
op = sym
sym = self.accept_text('%')
if sym:
op = sym
@ -294,7 +340,9 @@ class Parser:
factor2 = self.factor()
if not factor2:
raise SyntaxError("missing second factor in terme")
return BinOpNode(factor1,op.text,factor2)
factor1 = BinOpNode(factor1,op.text,factor2)
return factor1
def factor(self):
@ -302,12 +350,11 @@ class Parser:
val = self.value()
if not val:
return None
op = self.accept_text('**')
if op:
while self.accept_text('**'):
val2 = self.value()
if not val2:
raise SyntaxError("missing second val un factor")
return BinOpNode(val,op.text,val2)
val = BinOpNode(val,'**',val2)
return val
def value(self):
@ -408,6 +455,19 @@ class Parser:
return FunctionDefNode(name.text,args,block)
def bf_block(self):
if not self.accept_text('bf'):
return None
name = self.accept_tag('IDENTIFIERS')
if not name:
raise SyntaxError("A bf function need a name")
code = self.accept_tag('BRAINFUCK_CODE')
if not code:
raise SyntaxError("Bad bf block")
code = format_bf(code.text[2:-2])
return BfDefNode(name.text,code)
@ -417,22 +477,23 @@ def parse(prog):
return parser.program()
def get_ast(path):
with open(path) as file:
code =
tokens = lex(code)
ast = Parser(tokens).parse()
return ast.list_of_statement
class Ast_to_IR:
def __init__(self,ast,functions=BUILT_IN_FUNCTIONS):
def __init__(self,ast,functions=None):
if functions is None:
functions = ChainMap({})
self.ast = ast
self.functions = functions
@ -456,6 +517,9 @@ class Ast_to_IR:
for statement in statements:
if isinstance(statement,FunctionDefNode):
self.functions[] = Ast_to_IR(statement,self.functions).convert()
elif isinstance(statement,BfDefNode):
code = statement.code
self.functions[] = [('BF',code,]
vars_ = []
@ -573,6 +637,8 @@ methods = {
WhileNode: Ast_to_IR.while_to_ir,
IfNode: Ast_to_IR.if_to_ir,
IncDecNode: Ast_to_IR.inc_dec_to_ir,
BfDefNode: lambda self,node:None,
ImportNode: lambda self,node:None,
default = Ast_to_IR.expression_statement_to_ir
@ -587,6 +653,10 @@ def init_function(nb,name):
def end_function(nb,name):
return '<[-]' * nb + '>' * nb + (f"[-{'<'*nb}+{'>'*nb}]" if nb else "") + '<' * nb+ f' END_FUNCTION {name}'
def bf(code,name):
return f"BF {name}\n{code}\nEND_BF"
def assign(val,name):
return f"{'<'*val}[-]{'>'*val}[-{'<'*val}+{'>'*val}]< ASSIGN {name}"
@ -614,22 +684,25 @@ def bin_op(op):
elif op == '*':
bf = "<[->>+<<]>[->[-<<+>>>+<]>[-<+>]<<]>[-]<<"
elif op == '/':
bf = "[->+>>+<<<]<[->+>>+<<<]>>>[>[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]+<[>-<[-]]>[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]<[<<<<[-]+>+>>>-]<<<-<-]+>[<->[-]]<"
bf = ("[->+>>+<<<]<[->+>>+<<<]>>>[>[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]+<[>-<[-]]>[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]<[<<<<[-]+>+>>>-]<<<-<-]+>[<->[-]]>>[-]<<<"
elif op == '%':
bf = "[->+>>+<<<]<[->+>>+<<<]>>>[>[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]+<[>-<[-]]>[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]<[<<<<[-]+>+>>>-]<<<-<-]+>[<->[-]]>>[-]<<<" \
"[-<[-<->>+<]>[-<+>]<<[->>+>+<<<]>>>[-<<<+>>>]<<[->>+>+<<<]>>>[-<<<+>>>]<<[>[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]+<[>-<[-]]>[->+>+<<]>>" \
elif op == '==':
bf = "<[>[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]+<[>-<[-]]>[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]<[<<<<[-]+>+>>>-]<<<-<-]" + "+>[<->[-]]>>[<<<->>>-]<<<"
elif op == '!=':
bf = "<[>[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]+<[>-<[-]]>[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]<[<<<<[-]+>+>>>-]<<<-<-]" + ">[<+>[-]]>>[<<<+>>>-]<<<"
elif op == '>':
bf = "<[>[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]+<[>-<[-]]>[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]<[<<<<[-]+>+>>>-]<<<-<-]" + ">>>[<<<+>>>-]<<<"
bf = "<[>[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]+<[>-<[-]]>[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]<[<<<<[-]+>+>>>-]<<<-<-]" + ">[-]>>[<<<+>>>-]<<<"
elif op == '>=':
bf = "<[>[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]+<[>-<[-]]>[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]<[<<<<[-]+>+>>>-]<<<-<-]" + "+>[<->[-]]<"
bf = "<[>[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]+<[>-<[-]]>[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]<[<<<<[-]+>+>>>-]<<<-<-]" + "+>[<->[-]]>>[-]<<<"
elif op == '<':
bf = "<[>[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]+<[>-<[-]]>[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]<[<<<<[-]+>+>>>-]<<<-<-]" + ">[<+>[-]]<"
bf = "<[>[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]+<[>-<[-]]>[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]<[<<<<[-]+>+>>>-]<<<-<-]" + ">[<+>[-]]>>[-]<<<"
elif op == '<=':
bf = "<[>[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]+<[>-<[-]]>[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]<[<<<<[-]+>+>>>-]<<<-<-]" + "+>>>[<<<->>>-]<<<"
bf = "<[>[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]+<[>-<[-]]>[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]<[<<<<[-]+>+>>>-]<<<-<-]" + "+>[-]>>[<<<->>>-]<<<"
raise Exception(f"bin_op {op} not implemented yet")
@ -654,12 +727,6 @@ def else_end():
def if_end():
return "<]>[-]<< IF_END"
def putc():
return ". PRINT"
def scanc():
return ", INPUT"
def compile_ir(ir):
return '\n'.join(globals()[i[0].lower()](*i[1:]) for i in ir)