"""interpreter of brainfuck written in python""" import sys import os from termcolor import cprint os.system('color') class BFError(RuntimeError): pass def pair_bracket(prog): result = [] brackets = [] for index, instr in enumerate(prog): if instr == '[': brackets.append(index) if instr == ']': open_brackets = brackets.pop() result.append((open_brackets,index)) return dict(result) def interpret(prog): ar = [0] ptr = 0 index = 0 blocks = [] bracket_info = pair_bracket(prog) while index < len(prog): instr = prog[index] if instr == '+': ar[ptr] += 1 elif instr == '-': ar[ptr] -= 1 elif instr == '>': ptr += 1 if ptr == len(ar): ar.append(0) elif instr == '<': ptr -= 1 if ptr < 0: raise ValueError("You can't go to a cell before 0") elif instr == '.': print(chr(ar[ptr]),end='') elif instr == ',': val = input() if len(val) > 1: raise ValueError('please put character one by one') if val: ar[ptr] = ord(val) else: ar[ptr] = 0 elif instr == '[': if ar[ptr]: blocks.append(index) else: index = bracket_info[index] elif instr == ']': if ar[ptr]: index = blocks.pop() continue else: blocks.pop() elif instr == '#': try: if prog[index+1] == '(': index = index+2 while prog[index] != ')': print(prog[index],end='',flush=True) index += 1 print(' ',end='') except IndexError: pass print(ar, ptr, ar[ptr]) index += 1 return ar def repl(): """ use brainfuck in an interactive mode special commands : p: where is the pointer v: val of the cell (the number, not the ascii val) a: show the entire array """ ar = [0] ptr = 0 blocks = [] while 1: try: not_ok = True while not_ok: try: prog = input('> ') not_ok = False except KeyboardInterrupt: print() except EOFError: break if prog == 'p': print(ptr) elif prog == 'v': print(ar[ptr]) elif prog == 'a': print(ar) elif prog == 'help': repl_help() elif prog == 'q': break elif prog == 'r': repl() return else: index = 0 bracket_info = pair_bracket(prog) try: while index < len(prog): instr = prog[index] if instr == '+': ar[ptr] += 1 elif instr == '-': ar[ptr] -= 1 elif instr == '>': ptr += 1 if ptr == len(ar): ar.append(0) elif instr == '<': ptr -= 1 if ptr < 0: ptr = 0 raise BFError(f"You can't go to a cell before 0 (code before : {prog[:index]}, code after : {prog[index:]})") elif instr == '.': print(chr(ar[ptr]),end='',flush=True) elif instr == ',': val = input() if len(val) > 1: raise ValueError('please put character one by one') if val: ar[ptr] = ord(val) else: ar[ptr] = 0 elif instr == '[': if ar[ptr]: blocks.append(index) else: index = bracket_info[index] elif instr == ']': if ar[ptr]: index = blocks.pop() continue else: blocks.pop() elif instr == '#': try: if prog[index+1] == '(': index = index+2 while prog[index] != ')': print(prog[index],end='',flush=True) index += 1 print(' ',end='') except IndexError: pass print(ar, ptr, ar[ptr]) index += 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except BFError as e: cprint(e,'red') if '.' in prog: print() def repl_help(): print("""\ In this repl, you can enter any valid brainfuck expression. There is also some special command : 'a' will show you the state of the memory 'p' will show you where is the pointer 'v' will show you the value of the cell 'r' will reset the array""") def main(): if len(sys.argv) == 2: interpret(open(sys.argv[1]).read()) elif len(sys.argv) == 3: if sys.argv[1] == '-i': #oui c'est de lam erde comme manière de faire interpret(sys.argv[1]) else: repl() if __name__ == '__main__': main()