# Ubuntu Font Family > Ubuntu Font Family Bower-ready (also SCSS-ready, LESS-ready, and plain CSS-ready) ## How to use it 0. Install it from [Bower](http://bower.io/) ```sh $ bower install [--save] ubuntu-fontface ``` or from [NPM](http://npmjs.com/) ```sh $ npm install [--save] ubuntu-fontface ``` 1. Import it on SCSS/LESS/CSS source code. Assuming `{BOWER_PATH}` is `bower_components/`; `{SUFFIX}` options are `-base`, `-condensed` and `-mono`; `{EXTENSION}` options are `css`, `less`, `scss`, depending whether you're using pure CSS, [SCSS](http://sass-lang.com/) or [LESS](http://lesscss.org/). The `{SUFFIX}` is not available if you're importing the pure CSS file. A minified file is available for the pure CSS version. ```css @import "{BOWER_PATH}/ubuntu-fontface/ubuntu{SUFFIX}.{EXTENSION}"; ``` 2. If you need any help (or have found any bug 🐞), please post it on [/issues](//github.com/earaujoassis/ubuntu-fontface/issues). Thank you! ## Contributors - Pavel Rykov ([@PavelRykov](https://github.com/PavelRykov)) - Jordan Last ([@lastmjs](https://github.com/lastmjs)) - Rene Schmidt ([@rene-s](https://github.com/rene-s)) ## License The Ubuntu Font Family is distributed under the [Ubuntu Font Licence](http://font.ubuntu.com/licence/). The source code in this project is distributed under the [MIT License](http://earaujoassis.mit-license.org/) © Ewerton Assis