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ServNest system images generator

This is the sources to build system images of ServNest using mkosi. You can then use them with systemd-nspawn.


This generator allows to build images for both Arch Linux and Debian Testing, you can replace <sysid> by either arch or debian in the following examples. Note that mkosi may require tools that are not available on your distribution.

You can generate a new image in /var/lib/machines/servnest-<sysid> by running mkosi --force -d <sysid> from this directory (--force will erase an already existing image).

You will need to copy mkosi.nspawn into /etc/systemd/nspawn/servnest-<sysid>.nspawn to allow the container to use network without restrictions.

You can then boot the container:

machinectl start servnest-<sysid>
machinectl shell servnest-<sysid>

The full explanation of the structure in this repository can be found on the mkosi manpage. Here is a summary of what mkosi will do in this repository:

  1. Load configuration from mkosi.default and mkosi.default.d/<sysid>/mkosi.default
  2. Add mkosi.skeleton
  3. Install packages according to configuration
  4. Run mkosi.prepare
  5. Add mkosi.extra
  6. Run mkosi.postinst


ServNest system images generator is ethical libre software: you can use, redistribute or modify it under the terms of the CNPL-NAv7+ as found in or at