[ 'title' => '' . CONF['common']['service_name'], ], 'auth' => [ 'index' => [ 'title' => '' . _('Authentication'), 'description' => _('Manage account'), ], 'login' => [ 'title' => _('Log in'), 'description' => _('Start a new navigation session with an existing account'), 'require-login' => false, ], 'logout' => [ 'title' => _('Log out'), 'description' => _('End the current session and delete cookies and cache'), ], 'register' => [ 'title' => _('Create account'), 'description' => _('Create a new account, and log in with it'), 'require-login' => false, 'tokens_instance_cost' => 1800, ], 'unregister' => [ 'title' => _('Delete account'), 'description' => _('Erase all current account\'s data'), ], 'approval' => [ 'title' => _('Switch to an approved account'), 'description' => _('Switch to an approved account using an approval key'), 'tokens_account_cost' => 300, ], 'password' => [ 'title' => _('Change password'), 'description' => _('Change the character string used to authenticate yourself'), 'tokens_account_cost' => 300, ], 'username' => [ 'title' => _('Change username'), 'description' => _('Change the name used to identify your account when logging in and displayed at the start of every page'), 'tokens_account_cost' => 300, ], ], 'reg' => [ 'index' => [ 'title' => '' . sprintf(_('%s registry'), '' . key(CONF['reg']['suffixes']) . ''), 'description' => sprintf(_('Register and delegate a %s subdomain'), '' . key(CONF['reg']['suffixes']) . ''), ], 'register' => [ 'title' => _('Register domain'), 'description' => sprintf(_('Get a %s subdomain'), '' . key(CONF['reg']['suffixes']) . ''), 'tokens_account_cost' => 3600, ], 'unregister' => [ 'title' => _('Unregister domain'), 'description' => _('Delete all data related to a domain and make it available to the public again'), ], 'print' => [ 'title' => _('Display domain records'), 'description' => _('Print every record related to a domain and served by the registry'), 'tokens_account_cost' => 60, ], 'edit' => [ 'title' => _('Edit records'), 'description' => _('Set registry records to delegate a domain to chosen name servers'), 'tokens_account_cost' => 900, ], 'ns' => [ 'title' => sprintf(_('%s records'), 'NS'), 'description' => sprintf(_('Indicate the name servers of a %s subdomain'), '' . key(CONF['reg']['suffixes']) . ''), 'tokens_account_cost' => 300, ], 'ds' => [ 'title' => sprintf(_('%s records'), 'DS'), 'description' => _('Delegate DNSSEC trust'), 'tokens_account_cost' => 300, ], 'transfer' => [ 'title' => _('Receive a domain transfer'), 'description' => _('Transfer a domain owned by another account to the current account'), 'tokens_account_cost' => 300, ], 'glue' => [ 'title' => _('Glue records'), 'description' => _('Advanced: store the IP address of a name server whose domain is inside the domain it serves'), 'tokens_account_cost' => 300, ], ], 'ns' => [ 'index' => [ 'title' => '' . _('Name servers'), 'description' => _('Host and manage domain\'s records'), ], 'zone-add' => [ 'title' => _('Add zone'), 'description' => sprintf(_('The zone will be managed by %s name servers'), CONF['common']['service_name']), 'tokens_account_cost' => 1800, ], 'zone-del' => [ 'title' => _('Delete zone'), 'description' => _('Erase all zone data'), ], 'print' => [ 'title' => _('Display zone'), 'description' => _('Print zonefile content'), 'tokens_account_cost' => 60, ], 'edit' => [ 'title' => _('Edit zone'), 'description' => _('Change zonefile content'), 'tokens_account_cost' => 300, ], 'ip' => [ 'title' => _('AAAA and A records'), 'description' => _('Store domain\'s IP address'), 'tokens_account_cost' => 120, ], 'ns' => [ 'title' => sprintf(_('%s records'), 'NS'), 'description' => _('Store zone\'s name server'), 'tokens_account_cost' => 120, ], 'txt' => [ 'title' => sprintf(_('%s records'), 'TXT'), 'description' => _('Associate text to domain'), 'tokens_account_cost' => 120, ], 'caa' => [ 'title' => sprintf(_('%s records'), 'CAA'), 'description' => _('Limit the certificate authorities allowed to certify the domain'), 'tokens_account_cost' => 120, ], 'srv' => [ 'title' => sprintf(_('%s records'), 'SRV'), 'description' => _('Store the location of a domain\'s service'), 'tokens_account_cost' => 120, ], 'mx' => [ 'title' => sprintf(_('%s records'), 'MX'), 'description' => _('Store the email server\'s address'), 'tokens_account_cost' => 120, ], 'sshfp' => [ 'title' => sprintf(_('%s records'), 'SSHFP'), 'description' => _('Store SSH public keys fingerprints'), 'tokens_account_cost' => 120, ], 'tlsa' => [ 'title' => sprintf(_('%s records'), 'TLSA'), 'description' => _('Setup DANE by publishing the TLS certificate fingerprint'), 'tokens_account_cost' => 120, ], 'cname' => [ 'title' => sprintf(_('%s records'), 'CNAME'), 'description' => _('Define a domain as an alias of another'), 'tokens_account_cost' => 120, ], 'dname' => [ 'title' => sprintf(_('%s records'), 'DNAME'), 'description' => _('Define all subdomains of a domain as aliases of subdomains of another domain'), 'tokens_account_cost' => 120, ], 'loc' => [ 'title' => sprintf(_('%s records'), 'LOC'), 'description' => _('Store geographic coordinates'), 'tokens_account_cost' => 120, ], 'sync' => [ 'title' => sprintf(_('Synchronized records')), 'description' => _('Regularly fetch distant records and update them to a local zone'), 'tokens_account_cost' => 900, ], ], 'ht' => [ 'index' => [ 'title' => '' . _('Web'), 'description' => _('Upload a static website into an SFTP space'), ], 'add-subpath' => [ 'title' => sprintf(_('%s subpath access'), '' . CONF['ht']['subpath_domain'] . '/'), 'description' => sprintf(_('Its URL will look like %s'), 'https://' . CONF['ht']['subpath_domain'] . '/' . _('mysite') . '/'), 'tokens_account_cost' => 900, ], 'add-subdomain' => [ 'title' => sprintf(_('%s subdomain access'), '.' . CONF['ht']['subdomain_domain'] . ''), 'description' => sprintf(_('Its URL will look like %s'), 'https://' . _('mysite') . '.' . CONF['ht']['subpath_domain'] . '/'), 'tokens_account_cost' => 1800, ], 'add-dns' => [ 'title' => _('Dedicated domain with Let\'s Encrypt certificate access'), 'description' => sprintf(_('Its URL will look like %s'), 'https://' . _('mysite') . '.' . PLACEHOLDER_DOMAIN . '/'), 'tokens_account_cost' => 3600, ], 'add-onion' => [ 'title' => _('Onion service access'), 'description' => sprintf(_('Its URL will look like %s, and work only through the Tor network'), 'http://nrdselxjgryq5fwek2xh3pxg4b26z26eyzlbs4y5lownk465jhaamayd.onion/'), 'tokens_account_cost' => 1800, ], 'del' => [ 'title' => _('Delete access'), 'description' => _('Delete an existing HTTP access from a subdirectory of the SFTP space'), ], 'keys' => [ 'title' => _('Manage SSH keys'), 'description' => _('Choose what SSH key can edit what directory'), 'tokens_account_cost' => 300, ], ], ]);