dir.'); // Add Tor config $torConf = "HiddenServiceDir " . CONF['ht']['tor_keys_path'] . "/" . $_SESSION['username'] . "/" . $_POST['dir'] . "/ HiddenServicePort 80 [::1]:" . CONF['ht']['internal_onion_http_port'] . " "; if (file_put_contents(CONF['ht']['tor_config_path'] . '/' . $_SESSION['username'] . '/' . $_POST['dir'], $torConf) === false) output(500, 'Failed to write new Tor configuration.'); // Reload Tor exec(CONF['ht']['sudo_path'] . " " . CONF['ht']['systemctl_path'] . " reload " . CONF['ht']['tor_service'], $output, $code); if ($code !== 0) output(500, 'Failed to reload Tor.'); // Get the address generated by Tor exec(CONF['ht']['sudo_path'] . ' -u ' . CONF['ht']['tor_user'] . ' ' . CONF['ht']['cat_path'] . ' ' . CONF['ht']['tor_keys_path'] . '/' . $_SESSION['username'] . '/' . $_POST['dir'] . '/hostname', $output); $onion = $output[0]; if (preg_match("/[0-9a-z]{56}\.onion/", $onion) !== 1) output(500, 'No onion address found.'); // Store it in the database addSite($_SESSION['username'], $_POST['dir'], $onion, "onion", "http"); // Add Nginx config $nginxConf = 'server { listen [::1]:' . CONF['ht']['internal_onion_http_port'] . '; server_name ' . $onion . '; root ' . CONF['ht']['ht_path'] . '/' . $_SESSION['username'] . '/' . $_POST['dir'] . '; include inc/ht-onion.conf; } '; if (file_put_contents(CONF['ht']['nginx_config_path'] . "/" . $onion . ".conf", $nginxConf) === false) output(500, 'Failed to write Nginx configuration.'); // Reload Nginx exec(CONF['ht']['sudo_path'] . " " . CONF['ht']['systemctl_path'] . " reload nginx", result_code: $code); if ($code !== 0) output(500, 'Failed to reload Nginx.'); // Tell the user their site address output(200, 'L\'adresse de votre service Onion HTTP est : http://' . $onion . '/'); } ?>

Ajouter un accès en .onion sur un dossier