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2019-08-13 21:17:08 +02:00
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<h2>How to use it</h2>
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<p>Install it from <a href="//">Bower</a></p>
<pre class="highlight">
<span class="m">$</span> bower install [--save] ubuntu-fontface
<p>Import it on SCSS/LESS/CSS source code. Assuming <code class="highlight"><span class="si">{BOWER_PATH}</span></code> is <code class="highlight"><span class="sr">bower_components</span></code>;
<code class="highlight"><span class="si">{SUFFIX}</span></code> options are <code class="highlight"><span class="sr">-base</span></code>, <code class="highlight"><span class="sr">-condensed</span></code> and <code class="highlight"><span class="sr">-mono</span></code>;
<code class="highlight"><span class="si">{EXTENSION}</span></code> options are <code class="highlight"><span class="sr">css</span></code>, <code class="highlight"><span class="sr">less</span></code>, <code class="highlight"><span class="sr">scss</span></code>,
depending whether you're using pure CSS, <a href="//">SCSS</a> or <a href="//">LESS</a>. The <code class="highlight"><span class="si">{SUFFIX}</span></code> is not available if you're importing the pure CSS file.
A minified file is available for the pure CSS version.</p>
<pre class="highlight">
<span class="nf">@import</span> <span class="sr">"<span class="si">{BOWER_PATH}</span>/ubuntu-fontface/ubuntu<span class="si">{SUFFIX}</span>.<span class="si">{EXTENSION}</span>"</span>;
<p>If you need any help (or have found any bug &#x1f41e;), please post it on <a href="//">/issues</a>. Thank you!</p>
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<p>Любо́вь сильне́е сме́рти и стра́ха сме́рти. То́лько е́ю, то́лько любо́вью де́ржится и движется жизнь.</p>
<footer><cite>И.С.Тургенев (1818 &ndash; 1883)</cite></footer>
<p>θάνατος οὐδὲν διαφέρει τοῦ ζῆν.</p>
<footer><cite>Θαλῆς (ὁ Μιλήσιος) (c. 624 &ndash; c. 546 BC)</cite></footer>
<p>Außerordentliche Übel erfordern außerordentliche Mittel</p>
<footer><cite>Unknown author</cite></footer>
<p>Those who make quick decisions are not also safe.</p>
<footer><cite>Unknown author</cite></footer>
<p>Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.</p>
<footer><cite>Ray Bradbury, Beyond 1984: The People Machines. (1979)</cite></footer>