
31 lines
982 B

function regListUserDomains($username) {
return query('select', 'registry', ['username' => $username], 'domain');
function regCheckDomainPossession($domain) {
if (in_array($domain, regListUserDomains($_SESSION['username']), true) !== true)
userError("You don't own this domain.");
function regIsFree($domain) {
return empty(query('select', 'registry', ['domain' => $domain], 'domain'));
function regDeleteDomain($domain) {
// Delete domain from registry file
$regFile = file_get_contents(CONF['reg']['registry_file']);
if ($regFile === false)
serverError("Failed to read current registry File.");
$regFile = preg_replace("#[^\n]{0,1024}" . $domain . " {0,1024}[^\n]{0,1024}\n#", "", $regFile);
if (file_put_contents(CONF['reg']['registry_file'], $regFile) === false)
serverError("Failed to write new registry file.");
// Delete from Niver's database
query('delete', 'registry', [
'domain' => $domain,
'username' => $_SESSION['username'],