
56 lines
2.0 KiB

<?php require "../../inc/top.php"; ?>
Installer un certificat Let's Encrypt
<form method="post">
<label for="domain">Domaine ciblé</label><br>
<select required="" name="domain">
<option value="" disabled="" selected="">---</option>
$sites = selectSites($_SESSION['username'], "dns", "http", false);
$leAvailable = selectSites($_SESSION['username'], "dns", "http", true);
foreach ($sites as $site) { ?>
<option value="<?= $site['domain'] ?>"><?= $site['domain'] . " (/ht/" . $site['siteDir'] . ")" ?></option>
<?php } ?>
<input value="Valider" type="submit">
if (isset($_POST['domain']) AND isset($_SESSION['username'])) {
// Use maniver to use Certbot
exec(SUDO_PATH . " " . MANIVER_PATH . " le-install " . $_POST['domain'], $output, $returnCode);
// Log Certbot response
addNiverLog($_SESSION['username'] . " installed a Let's Encrypt certificate on their site", $output, $returnCode);
// Abort if Certbot failed
if ($returnCode !== 0)
exit("Let's Encrypt certificate obtention failed. Try again later, or contact an administrator.");
// Replace self-signed certificate by Let's Encrypt certificate in Nginx configuration
$conf = file_get_contents(NGINX_CONFIG_PATH . "/" . $_POST['domain'] . ".conf");
$conf = preg_replace("#/etc/ssl/certs/niver\.crt#", "/etc/letsencrypt/live/" . $_POST['domain'] . "/fullchain.pem", $conf);
$conf = preg_replace("#/etc/ssl/private/niver\.key#", "/etc/letsencrypt/live/" . $_POST['domain'] . "/privkey.pem", $conf);
file_put_contents(NGINX_CONFIG_PATH . "/" . $_POST['domain'] . ".conf", $conf);
// Reload Nginx
exec(SUDO_PATH . " " . MANIVER_PATH . " reload-nginx", $output, $returnCode);
// Abort if Maniver failed to reload Nginx
if ($returnCode !== 0)
exit("Nginx configuration reload failed. Try again later, or contact an administrator.");
echo "Succès : La connexion avec votre site utilise désomais un certificat TLS émis par Let's Encrypt.";
<?php require "../../inc/bottom.php"; ?>