
55 lines
1.3 KiB

root_path = "/srv/php/niver"
; Prefix in URL, if any
prefix =
; From RFC2606: Reserved Top Level DNS Names > 2. TLDs for Testing, & Documentation Examples
domain_example = "example"
; From RFC3849: IPv6 Address Prefix Reserved for Documentation
ipv6_example = "2001:db8::3"
; From RFC5737: IPv4 Address Blocks Reserved for Documentation
ipv4_example = ""
knotc_path = "/usr/sbin/knotc"
registry = niver.test.
ttl = 86400
subdomain_regex = "^[a-z0-9]{4,63}$"
knot_zones_path = "/srv/ns"
; Path were user's sites will be stored
ht_path = "/srv/ht"
; Nginx configuration directory
nginx_config_path = "/etc/nginx/ht"
; Tor configuration file
tor_config_path = "/etc/tor/torrc"
; Tor keys directory
tor_keys_path = "/var/lib/tor/keys"
tor_service = "tor"
tor_user = "tor"
sudo_path = "/usr/bin/sudo"
systemctl_path = "/usr/bin/systemctl"
certbot_path = "/usr/bin/certbot"
chgrp_path = "/usr/bin/chgrp"
cat_path = "/usr/bin/cat"
sftpgo_group = sftpgo
; Will be shown to users
ipv6_address = "::1"
ipv4_address = ""
sftp_pub = "/etc/sftpgo/"
sftp_fp = "/etc/sftpgo/ed25519.fp"
sftp_asciiart = "/etc/sftpgo/ed25519.asciiart"
sftp_domain = "ht.niver.test"
public_sftp_port = 2022
; Will be used in configuration files
https_port = 42443
internal_onion_http_port = 9080