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ServNest (formerly Niver) is software providing a web interface allowing users to manage 3 independent services:

  • Public suffix registry
  • Domain name server
  • Static HTTP site hosting


I plan to create and maintain a public stable instance of ServNest, but I haven't done so yet. Thus it is not yet tested with real world and long-term usages, and is alpha software.

Detailed services features

Public suffix registry (reg)

  • Register a subdomain of the registry
  • Set domain's nameservers
  • Set a DS record to enable DNSSEC
  • Set Glue records
  • Display your records
  • Transfer domain to another account

Name server (ns)

  • Host a zone on the server
  • Zone file edition through <textarea>
  • Dedicated forms to set/unset A, AAAA, NS, TXT, CAA, SRV, MX, SRV, SSHFP, TLSA, CNAME, DNAME and LOC records
  • Display your records or the full zone file

Static HTTP site hosting (ht)

Upload site's files to the server using SFTP. The way the site is accessed can then be choosed:

  • Dedicated domain name and Let's Encrypt certificate
  • Dedicated onion service (through Tor)
  • Subdomain of a shared root domain
  • HTTP subpath of a shared domain

Some Apache configuration directive are available through .htaccess.

Software used

main language
accounts data storage
Knot DNS
DNS server for both registry and DNS hosting
sudo 1.9.10+
execute actions that match a regex as privileged or specific users
upload sites files using SFTP
Apache HTTP Server
static HTTP server, with content negotiation and .htaccess dynamic configuration
HTTP reverse proxy for Apache; terminates TLS and enforces security headers
Onion services
get Let's Encrypt certificates for TLS
GNU Core Utilities
manipulate the filesystem through sudo


There is currently no proper documentation to install ServNest, but you can create a system image or look at configuration files and scripts from servnest-mkosi.


Direct contact details



ServNest is ethical libre software: you can use, redistribute or modify it under the terms of the CNPL-NAv7+ as found in or at

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